Friday, April 8, 2011

Long time no see, detective...

I had finally gotten okay with the whole updating the blog thing and then I had to go and stop for over a month. I've been a bad, bad, blogger. To make up for it, I bring some backgrounds/envirnoments/whatever that I made. I have some more that I can put up, but I think I'll wait till I fix a few things before I do that.

Here's a telephone. Isn't it nice? The wallpaper in the back is a pattern that I just used from Illustrator, but everything else was done in Flash. I used some rotary phones I found online and one that I have sitting in my closest as reference.

This is the outside of Detective Pom's office. To save time, I took a background that I had already made(you'll see that one in a little bit) and used that for the inside. Also, the painting on the wall was a landscape project that I did for Digital Illustration class.

And here's the one that you can see in the previous one that I had posted. Who knew Pomeranians read so much? Or maybe they're just for decoration, just like the Pomeranian License and Detective Certificate on display.

This is the view from Pom's desk. In the original sketch for this one, I had a lot more stuff going on near the back wall. Luckily I decided to put in the character that's going to be in that shot to see how she'd fit, and I noticed that most of the wall wouldn't even be visible. That realization saved me a lot of time that I later spent on other backgrounds.

And finally, the scene of the crime. This was one of the first ones that I did, and it really hasn't had any changes done to it. It's probably one of the more simpler ones of the bunch, but I think it might be my favorite. Completing it had really helped me get into setting a tone and look for the project.

Well that's it for this update. Let's hope I don't forget to continue to post things up again.

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